¿Es esta una pregunta de la escuela o solo preguntas?
Interphase contains of two stage G1 stage
the S stage and the G2stage ..
Mitosis consists of prophase metaphase anaphase followed by cytokines is..
I belive that the elements 1 through 92 occur naturally on Earth, except for elements 43 and 61, although these are only found in very limited concentrations. The elements mostly on the periodic table that accompany uranium are generated only chemically and are classified as transuranium or transuranic components.
The ventral body cavity is subdivided into the thoracic cavity and the abdominopelvic cavity.
The backside of human body is known as dorsal side while the side where diaphragm and ribs are present is known as ventral side. The cavity present on the ventral side is known as ventral cavity. It contains important organelles of the body and is further divied into:
1. Thoracic Cavity
It is also known as chest cavity separate the upper part from lower through diaphragm. It is a house for esophagus, trachea, heart and its associated blood vessels.
2. Abdomopelvic Cavity
It is subdivided into abdominal cavity and pelvic cavity. However there is no partition that separate these two cavities from each other.
a. Abdominal cavity
It is house for kidneys, gallbladder, liver, small intestine and part of large intestine.
b. Pelvic cavity
it is house for colon, rectum. Reproductive organs and urinary bladder.