Normal colour vision (trichromacy) refers to vision that uses all three types of light cones. People with defected trichromatic vision will be colour blind to some extent and these conditions are called anomalous trichromacy. Three types anomalous trichromacy ( one type of cone perceives light slightly) :
1. Protanomaly – phenotype: reduced sensitivity to red light
2. Deuteranomaly - phenotype: reduced sensitivity to green light
3. Tritanomaly – phenotype: reduced sensitivity to blue
People can also have color blindess as the result of mutation, when loss of function of one cone occurs. This condition is called dichromacy. If there is complete color blindness or monochromacy, the person can’t distinguish any color from grey.
Color blindness is an inherited genetic disorder resulted from mutations on the X chromosome.
The color of the surfaces because an object with a black surface will absorb and reradiate energy faster and at a higher concentration than the same object with a lighter colored surface.
central vacuole
In many plant cells there is a single large central vacuole filled with liquid, pressure of the central vacuole allows plants to support heavy structures such as leaves and flowers. pro here here :D
Kinetic energy is the energy that an object has because of its motion.
Parathyroid hormones (PTH) increases the Ca++ concentration and slightly decreases phosphate ion concentration in the blood.
When Parathyroid hormone increases, the body release more calcium from bones into blood which lead to the increase in calcium concentration in the blood.
The parathyroid hormone increase in the other hand led to slightl
y decrease in phosphate ions since it reduces the reabsorption of phosphate from proximal tubule of the kidney