The method in Java is as follows:
public static String returnlen(String input){
String output = ""+input.charAt(0)+input.charAt(input.length()-1);
return output;
This defines the method
public static String returnlen(String input){
This concatenates the first and the last character of the input string
String output = ""+input.charAt(0)+input.charAt(input.length()-1);
This returns the concatenated string
return output;
I believe it returns the current database system date and time, in a 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.mmm' format.
Rewrite the Espresso Counter program to Swap or interchange any two rows of the output. Copy and paste just the interchanged parts of the code. Compile and run the modified program. Copy and paste the new user interface output. Add a new row to the Espresso Counter user interface. Describe your modifications. Compile and run the new program. Copy and paste
1. Your modifications
2. Snapshots of your new counter interface.
Create 3D assets from sketches
A modeler Job is to model all of the 3D/2D assets needed to obtain the final result wanted by the developers. The modeler creates the assets from sketches or images provided to him according to the theme.