Male = 138,053,563
Female = 143,368,343
The total equals 281 421 906
Male = (138,053,563 / 281 421 906) * 100 = 49.1%
Female = ( 143,368,343/ 281 421 906) * 100 = 50.94%
Male = 49
Female = 51
To find this %s you could just use the first 3 digits of everything.
Total = 138 + 143 = 281
% male = (138/281) = 49.1
% female = (143/281) * 100 = 50.88
These give you the same answers when rounding.
Step-by-step explanation:
3.45 divided by 64
Step-by-step explanation:
The least common multiple is a number that both numbers can multiply something to get to, and the smallest possible common one.
Let's try listing out the multiples of 2:
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20
And the multiples of 7:
7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70
Notice that both have the number 14 in common, and it is the first number that they do so. There are lots of other multiples that they have in common too, but 14 is the least.
The price of a doll = $35
Sales tax = 6%
To find:
The tax amount that a customer will pay on one doll.
The price of doll is $35 and the sales tax is 6%, so the tax amount on a doll is 6% of 35.

Therefore, the tax amount that a customer will pay on one doll is $2.1.