So to fine slope you would use the formula down below:
So use a graphed point, 0, -5 and you rise or count up quadrants up to a point and then horizontally move to when you find that point.
So from 0,-5 go up 9 vertically, and you would be on the 4
Go horizontal 3 spots and your on a designated point.
So the rise is four and the run is 3
So 4/3 is the slope
In the y= Mx + b equation you would set the equation like this:
y= 4/3 + -5
The m in this formula stands for the slop and the b stands for the y-intercept
The y-intercept is the point that is on the y-axis and where it starts.
Step-by-step explanation: i thimk 5,2
No. surface area is: 2x2x2xpi (2 circle ends) + 4x12xpi (long round outside) = 175.99 ft