It is important so you have an idea what write about.
I the word draft:
1. draft (noun) - a gust of cool air in a room. An example would be: Please close the window - there's draft in the room!
2. draft (noun) - a rough plan. An example would be: I haven't finished the paper yet - I only have a draft so far.
3. draft (noun) - obligatory military service. An example would be: That country still has a draft - my nephew just joined the army!
4. draft (verb) - to serve in the army. An example would be: My friend has just been drafted - he will have to serve for a year!
II the word break:
1. break (verb) - to separate something into pieces. Example: Why did you break your glasses?
2. break (verb) - disobey law. Example: He broke the law when he killed that man.
3. break (verb) - become publicly known. Example: When the news broke, everybody was surprised.
4. break (noun) - a pause. Example: I've been working for hours - I need to make a break.
III the word present:
1. present (noun) - a gift. Example: When I was in Spain, I bought presents for everyone!
2. present (noun) - the current moment. Example: I prefer living in the present rather than the past!
3. present (adjective) - currently there. Example: Is everyone present in class today?
4. present (verb) - to show. Example: I presented him with a gift, but he wasn't pleased at all.
The peculiar guru was thirsty for the master of their instrument.
I could not find the play that you are talking about in you question but I will try to answer it with some information that could be helpful to you.
Anne Frank did receive her diary on her thirteenth birthday but maybe it was hard for directors to show that in the play, since Anne Frank did write in her diary all of the horror situations that she was experiencing.
It was easier for them to show her diary receiving when she has entered the Secret Annex because the<em><u> bookcase</u></em> was considered as the entrance to the Secret Annex that was the hiding place for her and her family.