She killed Aeschere who is described as Hrothgar's best friend, one of his favourite thanes or a noble shield warrior.
The easiest way to answer these questions is to translate them first. The first question is asking, "If Juan likes to study, what is he?" Paciente, is patient, ordenado is organized, estudioso is studious, and atrevido is daring or adventurous. From there you can make the logical connection that someone who is studying is studious. The second question asks, "If she likes to draw and paint, what is she?" Trabajadora is a hard worker, impaciente is impatient, perezosa is lazy, and artistica is artistic. From there you can make the logical connection that someone who likes to draw and paint is artistic.
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En Marte, Acheron era una comunidad semiautónoma y autosuficiente.