Parent's do not want to know all about the children. So some children gets information through their ways. And have no talk with parents. Parents gets information too and do not talk with children. somany factors and so many possibilities. That increase difference between parents and their children. They are so different.
Hope it will be helpful !
Human resource development is currently as an important strategic approach to improved productivity, efficiency and profitability. However, the level of human resource development which should be the central driving force in the achievement of organisational goals and economic development in Ghana is not encouraging and should be given the needed boost by building the knowledge, skills, working abilities and innate capacities of all the people across the society. This study therefore examines the potential contributions of human resource development to organisations in Ghana in order to make recommendations that will ensure that the required human resource needs are provided. To do this, Asuogyaman District Assembly was selected as a case study. Both primary and secondary data were collected and analyzed. The study found out that 72.5% of staff in the organisation was involved in a training programme. Most staff occasionally had their training needs assessed. Performance management/appraisal and human resource planning are promoted. Human resource development contributes to increased productivity and builds manpower abilities. Based on the findings, it is recommended among others things that; all organisations should establish a human resource development policy that will encourage systematic learning, performance and change as a means to increase productivity.
I think that they are used for fund to make the school neater and for school activities and uniform (and I think a bit extra pay) but more advanced
The brain of babies is very malleable and adapts constantly according to what you see in the world and how to treat and talk to a child as well as the type of play that we establish with each one is also different.
Although we are born with biological differences, these are increased as the boy and girl are integrated into society, are related to family members and friends, the type of game that prevails in their environment ... everything influences to determine one trend or another.
That is why we must encourage:
- Games should not have predetermined genres, children should simply play, parents should not indicate which games are for boys and which are for girls, they should be free.
- Children should be raised in a respectful environment, they should know that respect is indistinct to gender and everyone should be respected regardless of gender.