It seems that someinformation is missing, nevertheless, it is possible to calculate the market value of the firm if you have the total number of shares.
In this case, if the question says that the "outstanding shares" haven't changed, it means that the total number of shares neither, therefore it is possible to get the market value by multiplying $180 (the stock price for 1 share) per the total number of shares
The correct answer is b. capital investment projects.
The purpose of an investment project is to generate profitability, wealth and value, to a large extent the success or failure of a project depends on its evaluation, that is, the valuation of human, technological, material and financial resources; That is why the importance of a well structured and evaluated project that indicates the correct allocation of resources, comparing the purchasing value of the future currency and determining the breakeven point to know its profitability.
The careers where an individual can be self employed include:
- Greenhouse manager.
- Animal breeder
- Baker.
- Agricultural equipment operator.
A self-employed person simply means an individual who earns their living from any independent pursuit of economic activity.
It's the state of working for oneself. Examples include greenhouse manager, animal breeder, baker, and gricultural equipment operator.
Learn more about self employment on:
Approval and the declaration by the board of directors
The three key requirement for a company to pay dividends are adequate retained earnings , adequate cash and the declaration and approval of the board of directors.
Looking at the provided information for Tesla incorporation ,what is missing is the Approval of the board through declaration of payment.
It was still an intention , so the declaration is still necessary for payment. Other conditions like adequate cash balance and retained earning are are already met