A checking account is what you would use to make everyday purchases, and what you usually put the majority of your check into. Savings accounts are used to save money over periods of time. A percentage of your check may go in a savings account that you don't use.
Owner owes Builder : B. $2,000.
A Liability is the present obligation of the entity, that arises as a result of past events, the settlement of which is expected to result in a cash outflow from the entity.
Initially, the Owners owes the Builder $,1500
For the fence to be completed on time, an addition of $500 was owed, upon the owner accepting this arrangement.
Thus, the total obligation owing to the Builder is $2,000.
Excluding discouraged workers from the official unemployment rate may cause the official rate to Understate the true extent of underemployment.
What happens when they are reclassified as discouraged workers?
- The measured unemployment rate will decrease if unemployed people give up.
- When this occurs, the measured unemployment rate will momentarily increase. They will once more be listed as unemployed, which is why.
- Because there are no discouraged employees in the labor market actively looking for a job, the labor force participation rate would fall if employed people were reclassified as discouraged workers.
(1) official unemployment rate= unemployed/(employed + unemployed)
= 6197000 / 155604000 + 6197000 * 100
= 3.83%
(2) U-4 unemployment rate= (unemployed +discouraged) /(employed +unemployed+ discouraged)
=6197000+ 434000 / 155604000+ 6197000 + 434000 * 100
= 4.09%
Excluding discouraged workers from the official unemployment rate may cause the official rate to Understate the true extent of underemployment.
To learn more about the unemployed, refer to:
so they need to sell at least 3090 units