Answer: The words, "The white man and the red man cannot dwell in harmony together. Nature forbids it..if peace can be obtained only by the sword, let the sword do its work," were spoken by D. Mirabeau B. Lamar.
I may be wrong but "In late October 1940, Mussolini invaded Greece without warning Hitler, Mussolini retaliating for Hitler not having warned him of his invasions that year, including into France. Britain was allied with Greece and sent a naval force from the Middle East to Greece. The British navy attacked the Italian fleet as it lay at anchor at Taranto in southern Italy. Italy's offensive against Greece broke down, and by late November the Greeks had pushed Mussolini's army back to Albania. Then, on December 9, the British launched an offensive against Italy in North Africa, British forces entering Libya on December 13, 1940."
Theirs not much I can explain, the answer says it all.
Terrazzo flooring is a name for concrete tile.
Concrete tile can be used anywhere from indoors to outdoors. It can be used on floors, walls, fireplace surrounds, pools and patios, shower enclosures, countertops, backsplashes, and building façades. In many cases, concrete tile sizes, finishes, and colors can be customized to suit your design needs. It has low hygroscopicity comparing to the clay. It resist freezing cycle. It doesn't exfoliate or break. They are made from a mixture of sand, cement, color pigment, and a marble powder that is poured into metal molds, backed by a dry concrete mixture. Terrazzo flooring is a name for concrete tile. Terrazzo is a composite material, poured in place or precast, which is used for floor and wall treatments.
to know more about terazzo and mossaic flooring