concentrate on and become expert in a particular subject or skill.
Joseph is Ramon's cousin.
Joseph was on Ramon's team.
Joseph,Ramon, and Gabe played the Stars
In its stable molecular form, oxygen exists as two atoms and is written O2. to distinguish it from an atom of oxygen O, or ozone, a molecule of three oxygen atoms, O3. Even though each of these is all oxygen, combining atoms of the same element may give very different properties to the molecule.
yes they should do it on time
The prefix 'dis' means apart, away; that is to move away from something while the prefix 'sur' means over, above.
To dismount means to get off something or to remove a thing from its support. For example: The king dismounted the horse majestically.
To surmount means to overcome a difficulty or an obstacle. For example:
All the political differences between the two countries were surmounted.