1.7 Elaborate on a possible obstacle you could encounter in achieving your academic goal as set out in question 1.4. In your response, also indicate...
A general term used is "Psychotherapy".
Psychotherapy is the utilization of mental techniques, especially when in light of normal individual association, to enable a man to change and defeat issues in ways he want or desire.
Psychotherapy is also known as talk therapy, is an approach to help individuals with an expansive assortment of psychological instabilities and enthusiastic challenges and is frequently utilized to treat mental health condition in combination with medicines.
The five stages are: 1) Aninut, pre-burial mourning. 2-3) Shivah, a seven-day period following the burial; within the Shivah, the first three days are characterized by a more intense degree of mourning. 4) Shloshim, the 30-day mourning period. 5) The First Year (observed only by the children of the deceased).