Animistic religions.
They worshipped forces of nature - the sun, the moon, the wind, etc. - and also believed in spirits. There are still animistic religions in the world just like shinto in Japan, whose practice is combined with Buddhism. Also the practice of Taoism in China and Taiwan shows some elements of animism.
State and local government
Which level of government conducts elections?
Federal elections are administered by state and local governments, although the specifics of how elections are conducted differ between the states. The Constitution and laws of the United States grant the states wide latitude in how they administer elections.
This is what i found on google
John F. Kennedy predicted that america would have a man on the moon before the end of the 60's.
The Main Concepts of Confucianism. Abstract: The main concepts of Confucianism are discussed. and li are often said to constitute the basis of Confucianism. A. Jen (wren): human heartedness; goodness; benevolence, man-to-man-ness; what makes man distinctively human (that which gives human beings their humanity).