3. liquid waste me directly into the ground water
Aquifer is a layer of water which is present inside the soil at a certain depth. There are certain areas where water is added to the aquifer and maintain the water level. These aquifers were polluted if liquid waste is dumped in these aquifer recharge areas and when this water is extracted through wells so health of both plants and animals are adversely affected. So for that reason liquid waste should not be dumped in recharge areas of aquifer.
Tropopause is the boundary between the troposphere and stratosphere.
- Tropopause marks the transition region between troposphere and stratosphere.
- As we move up from the Earths surface , the temperature gets colder but when we reach the tropopause the temperature becomes constant and the temperature does not fall further.
- It is at a height of about 9Km at the polar region while at a height of 17 Km at the equitorial region.
B. Animalia and Plantae, or animals and plants, are multicellular organisms.
Warm air rises, expands, then cools. As cool air sinks it may cause precipitation. Some air masses such as the MT which originate in warm environments carry humid air and cause heavy precipitation in some areas.