quantitative analysis
Qualitative analysis refers to quality whereas quatitative analysis refers to the amount or quantity. In this experiment, we see how much carbondioxide gas is produced after the use of different carbohydrates given to the yeast. In this experiment, we want to know the concentration of the product in the reaction not the quality so we can say that this experiment shows quantitative analysis as compared to qualitative analysis.
Organisms compete for the resources they need to survive- air, water, food, and space. In areas where these are sufficient, organisms live in comfortable co-existence, and in areas where resources are abundant, the ecosystem boasts high species richness.
(-) sense single-stranded RNA
Negative sense refers to viruses that use the negative sense single stranded RNA as their genetic material.
It is essential for the negative viral strand is complimentary to the mRNA so it is converted to a positive RNA by RNA polymerase.
Negative sense single stranded RNA virus require an RNA dependent RNA polymerase for transcription. This is because it essential in encoding proteins by catalyzing the complimentary RNA strand to the given RNA tempelate.
I might go in there on mondays and fridays
because the flowering plant is very important
if you don't make it
you may damage them
good lucks :)