External fertilization usually occurs in aquatic environments where both eggs and sperm are released into the water Most external fertilization happens during the process of spawning where one or several females release their eggs and the male(s) release sperm in the same area, at the same time.
Typically, frogs lay eggs. This process usually occurs through external fertilization, where the female releases her eggs from her body into water. Then, the male releases his sperm to fertilize them In this case, the eggs are fertilized inside the female's body before they are released.
The cell membrane, therefore, has two functions: first, to be a barrier keeping the constituents of the cell in and unwanted substances out and, second, to be a gate allowing transport into the cell of essential nutrients and movement from the cell of waste products.
Step 1. A carboxyl group is removed from pyruvate, releasing a molecule of carbon dioxide into the surrounding medium. (Note: carbon dioxide is one carbon attached to two oxygen atoms and is one of the major end products of cellular respiration. ) The result of this step is a two-carbon hydroxyethyl group bound to the enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase; the lost carbon dioxide is the first of the six carbons from the original glucose molecule to be removed. This step proceeds twice for every molecule of glucose metabolized (remember: there are two pyruvate molecules produced at the end of glycolysis); thus, two of the six carbons will have been removed at the end of both of these steps.
Step 2. The hydroxyethyl group is oxidized to an acetyl group, and the electrons are picked up by NAD+, forming NADH (the reduced form of NAD+). The high- energy electrons from NADH will be used later by the cell to generate ATP for energy.
Step 3. The enzyme-bound acetyl group is transferred to CoA, producing a molecule of acetyl CoA. This molecule of acetyl CoA is then further converted to be used in the next pathway of metabolism, the citric acid cycle.
The energy produced from flow of water or "Hydro-power" is different to energy produced from iron, petroleum and coal as it is a clean and renewable form of energy. Hydro-power is derived from the kinetic energy of the natural flow of water like in the case of a water mill whereas the other forms listed require combustion of the fuel source that produces harmful gases leaving a negative impact on the environment. Also, hydro-power is one of the cheapest forms of energy production.
However, it should be noted that large-scale production of electrical energy from flowing water known as "Hydroelectric Power" uses man-made dams to store water in lakes as a source of potential energy. These dams can also have a negative impact on the environment as the natural flow of water is restricted. Some scientists also suggest that the construction of a dam leads to an increase in the number of earthquakes in and around the area of construction.
I’m really not sure how to answer this one I’m sorry my dude