Hi there!
Sustainability means that something or someone has the ability to keep something going.
For example, a plant could have good life sustainability because it has a special poison, keeping predators away from it.
You could be self sustainable by growing your own crops, collecting your own water, and making things you need.
Hope this helps!
Cytoplasm of RBCs contain large amount of hemoglobin which contain iron binds to haem group. it carry and transport oxygen from lungs to all parts of body and return carbondioxide back to the lungs from the different tissues.
Normal level of hemoglobin for men= 13.5 to 17.5 g/dl and for women =12.0 to 15.5 g/dl
Low level of hemoglobin is the indication of anemia
As the flower takes water that it needs to survive, the dye in it has no more density so it goes up with the water dying everything in its path blue.
Water,mineral salts and carbon dioxide