work book
A work book is a book in MS excel which contains work sheet
Answer: The first line intent
The first line intent is one of the type of intent and the first line of the text are mainly starts from the left margin. It is one of the most common method to start the line or text with the new paragraph. We use the tab key for creating the first line indent in the word.
In the first line indent the second line are basically known as the succeeding line of the text that contain the various indented bullets.
The name of a .java file should <u>always match the name of the class inside.</u>
In Java programming the program written in code editor is first saved with .java extension. The name of this .java file should be same as that of the class declared inside the file.
This .java file is then compiled and converted to .class file which contains the java bytecode. This bytecode can then be executed by java virtual machine(JVM).
However it is not always necessary that name of .java files should be same as that of class inside it. The name should be same only when the class inside is declared as public.
In case it is not declared as public one can name .java file different than the actual class name.
See attachment for flowchart
Flowchart to fine even from 1 to 50
The flowchart has been attached.
The rough algorithm (explanation) of the flowchart is as follows.
1. Start
2. Initialize num to 1
3. Check if num is less than or equal to 50
3.1 If yes
3.1.1 Check if num is even If yes Print num
3.1.3 Increase num by 1
3.2 If num is greater than 50
3.2.1 Stop
4. Goto 3
You can't call a function unless you've already defined it. Move the def createDirs(): block up to the top of your file, below the imports.
Some languages allow you to use functions before defining them. For example, javascript calls this "hoisting". But Python is not one of those languages.