To think about issues, people, or events that could be topics.
Analyze a primary source to gather information
It is sometimes easier to understand a situation if it is shown to you in a very simple way. The cartton makes you focus on a speific aspect, and you don't get disctracted by other things. Or it's just more entertaining.
~Good day!
which story are you asking about?
"King Ferdinand
" and "Queen Isabella"
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, help finance his journey.
Both Japan and Germany had a superiority complex. They think they are racially physically mentally culturally and militarily superior to others. It was there biggest negative as they were so much filled with their alter egos that they actually made foolish decision in war to satisfy their ego.
Both Japan and Germany were fighting war on multiple fronts. It was a strategic nightmare. Germany was fighting in Africa, Western front and Eastern front simultaneously. Japan was fighting in China, the Philippines Myanmar, Indonesia and Malaysia simultaneously.
Both Germany and Japan lack natural resources. The supply lines of raw material were in other countries.
Both Germany and Japanese governments were heavily influenced by corporate houses of their respective countries. In Japan, the Big 4 zaibatsu conglomerates had high impact in starting war by provocating military officials to attack Chinese position near Manchurian province. All the war machinary and items were sold by these companies to earn massive profits. Germany's corporate world also used their power to influence hitler to pursue his world domination as they were the main suppliers of nazi military .