4 km
There are 1.60934 km in a mile
2.5 m * 1.60934 km = 4 km
The first blank is osmosis, I'm not sure about the second
A. passive transport by diffusion
Diffusion and osmosis are both types of passive transport. They do not require energy. Diffusion is the general term for the process. Osmosis is the diffusion of water molecules.
Many small, uncharged molecules can cross the cell membrane by diffusion. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are examples of two small molecules that pass the cell membrane by passive transport.
Larger or charged molecules require energy to cross the cell membrane. This is achieved by active transport.
A) Energy from Earth’s hot interior produces magma which then cools
and crystallizes into igneous rock.
Energy from Earth’s hot interior causes extreme temperature and pressure which produces magma. This magma is present in liquid state that cools and crystallizes into igneous rock. Metamorphic rocks are formed from other rocks due to high heat or pressure. Earth movements can cause rocks to go deeply into the earth which causes the rocks are heated and put under great pressure. Sedimentary rocks are formed when sediment is deposited due to air, ice, wind, gravity, or water flows carrying the particles in suspension.
The right answer is have a frank, open discussion with him about his feelings.
The combination of a depressive disorder with a serious physical illness such as cancer can make the identification and treatment of depression more difficult. Indeed, the symptoms of depression may be underestimated and attributed to the other disease.