A garden has a higher level of oxygen compared to a city road. A garden has plants and trees. Plants produce oxygen and sugars from carbon dioxide. A city road is composed of industrial buildings, vehicles, humans, and animals. They consume oxygen that is why the oxygen content is lesser on a city road.
I would like to photograph a tulip, because I have always been interested to know more about some flowers and what’s in the inside of them. Even though tulips look pretty “simple” but beautiful in the outside, I suspect that there are a thousand of different things inside of it.
Lactic acid fermentation produces lactic acid, while alcoholic fermentation produces ethanol. Both fermentation pathways also oxidize NADH to NAD+ during the process.
The correct answer is "high heritability".
Concordance, is a term used in genetics to describe the probability that one of the twins have certain trait if his brother certainly has it. A high percentage of concordance, such as 75%, is translated into high heritability since monozygotic twins have identical genomic sequences. Additional information to determine heritability will be to study the exposure to similar environmental conditions, since environment can also affect the presence of certain traits.