hope this helps
France under the Ancien Régime (before the French Revolution) divided society into three estates: the First Estate (clergy); the Second Estate (nobility); and the Third Estate (commoners).
(1) prevent tyranny by acting as a check on power
Branches of government ensures that no one person takes total control of the government. Each branch also has specific responsibilities giving each authority in the government.
Montesquieu was an Enlightenment thinker who believed a government would fall to tyranny when the government or ruler had no one to answer to. By creating a system of branched government, the ruler(s) have a check on their power and have to answer to another body of the government. This system was used in the US under the Constitution by creating three branches of power: executive, legislative, and judicial.
The stock market crash of 1929 – considered the worst economic event in world history – began on Thursday, October 24, 1929, with skittish investors trading a record 12.9 million shares. On October 28, dubbed “Black Monday,” the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged nearly 13 percent. The market fell another 12 percent the next day, “Black Tuesday.” While the crisis send shock waves across the financial world, there were numerous signs that a stock market crash was coming
The correct answer should be C. Germany.
This has yet to be proven though because even though he was accused of being financed and collaborating with Germans, many of his party members including him defended themselves as proponents of anti-german-nationalism.
I'm guessing you're talking about World War II?
In Great Britain, the short answer is that it's an island. It hadn't been somewhat successfully attacked since 1263. I'm talking about by foot, not by air. A lot of this gave the Brits a sense of patriotism and morale. (It's also why the event of Dunkirk was so important). It also deterred Hitler during the Battle for Britain. Here's a good example, the Germans would keep losing aircraft with each bombing raid over Great Britain, and though the Brits would lose planes it would be less compared to their enemies. This is because Great Britain was able to salvage materials from their lost aircraft, unlike the Germans. I believe Hitler got bored and began focusing his attention from Great Britain to the USSR about two weeks before the Brits would be forced to surrender.
The Soviet Union was a different story. Although the country was the largest in the world, they were no match for Germany's brutal army in the beginning. Hitler began his betrayal of Russia in June and planned to have his troops housed in major cities during the cold winters. However, because of Mussolini's failure to capture Greece, some troops were spared down south making the trek into Soviet territory slower. German battalions weren't able to reach their goal by the beginning of the Russian winter. And just like Napoleon, Hitler had made a grievous error. This is when the Russians began turning the tables. Since the battlegrounds were in more familiar places, the Soviets were in their natural setting. The Germans, on the other hand, were ill-equipped. They still were in their summer uniforms (a weird green-grey) and the Russians were in white to blend in with the snow. Stalin also used the Scortched-Earth strategy where the Russian troops burned down farms and other things that could aid the Germans. German supply roots were cut off as well.
Germany prepared for a world war long before everyone else did. In addition to building up his army, Hitler expanded railways and roads all across the country for an easy access to move thousands of troops from one side of the country to another. Of course, at the time he said it was for civilians so the League of Nations didn't bat an eye. Joining the army was largely encouraged through the Hitler Youth (Hitler- Jugend). Basically, it entailed that young boys will be battle ready by the time they were of age. Young girls were promoted to have many children and keep up with housekeeping in <span>the <span>Bund Deutscher Mädel</span>.</span> Everything anyone did was to better Germany.
So, yeah! I'll add some stuff if something comes to mind later. Cheers!