El capital es uno de los tres factores de producción, se puede dividir en capital físico y capital humano, el capital físico son todas las máquinas y recursos que utiliza en su negocio. El capital humano se refiere a todos los conocimientos adquiridos.
I feel that the answer would be C as that would give it the most time to grow and build, but I have heard many times that IRA's can be better as far as tax. I would go with C, unless your class has specifically been leaning about IRA's.
GDP Price Deflator
GDP price deflator is a measure of the general changes in the price level of all the finished goods and services in a country in a period. While GDP is a measure of the total output in an economy, the GDP price deflator shows the extent to which prices changed in a period. In proving the effects of price changes, the GDP deflator identifies a base year then compares the current prices to base year prices.
The GDP price deflator allows economists to compare the GDP of different periods while considering the inflation between those periods. It does this by comparing the nominal GDP with the real GDP.
One of the first technologies to truly revolutionize the business use of information was a stone tablet. FALSE.
Answer: One of the first echnologies to truly revolutionize the business use of information were paper and the printing press.
When these developments came about, they made it easier for communication to be shared between businesses, cities, and the economy. Allowing for paper and the printing press increased communication and made room for new jobs. As they grew and expanded, new people were hired which helped the economy get a boost of new funds.