1.dont have to. 2.musn’t 3.musn’t 4.don’t have to. 5.Don’t have to. 6.musn’t
Fixed mindset and Growth mindset.
‘Fixed mindset’ as the name suggests is a state where a person believes that his abilities are fixed traits and which be changed. ‘Growth mindset’ on the other hand is a state where a person believes that his abilities can be changed and amplified through hard work and commitment.
Consider the following demonstration: since childhood I had a fixed mindset that I won’t ever be able to speak in front of a group of people because of my fear of public speaking. Because of this, I avoided speaking in elocution competitions despite being good at writing.
Now consider the next stage when my fixed mindset traits changed: After years of struggle and realization, it hit me that anybody can speak if one is confident enough. This stage of my life was called growth mindset when I even started taking parts in elocution competitions and even won the first prize in almost all the competitions.
You see, when fixed mindset of ‘I can’t do this’ changes to a growth mindset of ‘everything is possible’ great things begin to happen.
Skydiving, because you have to jump off a plane, but the thrill is fun.
I went with the most sterotypical thing XD
As Morrie's body deteriorates, so does the condition of the hibiscus plant. The plant's pink petals wither and fall as Morrie grows increasingly dependent on his aides and on oxygen. As his death approaches, so does the death of the plant. It is continually used as a metaphor for Morrie's life and for life itself.
Circe advises Odysseus to hug the cliff of Scylla and sacrifice six men rather than risk losing his whole ship to Charybdis. Also, he should race through as quickly as possible instead of trying to fight her (the monsters are female, of course).
Odysseus over comes the lotus (drug, temptation), rough seas, and his stubborn crew. Odysseus shows strong will and determination which allow him to overcome this obstacle.