He created the national bank so that he could issue a currency that could be used for all of the states. Before he creates the national bank, states would print their own currency. However, the price for each dollar varies in different state. This cause a major conflict within the US because Americans would have a hard time buying products with a different state currency. Which eventually lead to the popularity of using gold and silver as currency. But, if I were to have $100 New York money for example, how much does that actually worth? How much gold or silver can I exchange it for?
The correct answer is E.<span> the new left was relatively racially diverse. The New left is consisted of agitators and educators. Mainly, they support issues like gay rights, abortion, drugs, civil rights, and gender roles. Most members are against the Vietnam War. Most of its members were also communists. </span>
One purpose of creating the workin men's party was to protect the rights of skilled workers.
Democracy is government in which power and civic responsibility are exercised by all adult citi- zens, directly, or through their freely elected rep- resentatives. Democracy rests upon the principles of majority rule and individual rights. ... Fair, frequent, and well-managed elections are essential in a democracy.
Republican party
The party members ,met in Rippon, Wisconsin and founded the party. they were formerly members of the Whig party. the aimed at opposing the spread of slaverly into the western parts of the country.