The salinity of water increases as you move from inland areas out towards to ocean.
Salinity refers to the concentration of salt in the water. The salinity of water increases as you move from inland areas out towards to ocean because the ocean has high salinity than the inland areas. That is it can be said that the ocean contains brackish water. Brackish water has more concentration of salt than freshwater.
I haven't really learned about cell types but I did find this information
How can epinephrine have different effects on different cells? Different cells have different receptors that bind epinephrine. Different cells activate different enzymes as a result of epinephrine binding.
epinephrine induces increased vascular smooth muscle contraction, pupillary dilator muscle contraction, and intestinal sphincter muscle contraction. Other significant effects include increased heart rate, myocardial contractility, and renin release
Hope it at least helps a little :)
No, because there is only so much food for them to eat.
The same applies for all levels of the food chain.
I found the full exercise on the internet and it describes that there are three enzymes and you want to know which are the two enzymes from the <span>digestive tract of the mondoni and which one is the enzyme from a hot spring.
Attached are two graphs from the analysis of the activity of these enzymes regarding temperature and pH. I found these graphs with the full exercise.
The enzymes that probably came from the </span>digestive tract of the mondoni were enzymes A and B. These enzymes were resistant two lower levels of pH which indicates that they could be present in a <span>digestive tract, which tends to be acidic, while the enzyme C does not tolerate lower pH levels. Enzymes A and B were also more active when in lower temperatures that match temperatures of a normal living organism, whereas enzyme C was more active in higher temperatures matching its probable provenience - a hot spring.</span>
Answer: no, blood type AB has gennotype IA,IB while blood type o has the genotype II