No, it should be protected because of freedom of expression. It is about heritage not hate. It is protected by 10th amendment which is not in the constitution. Having a flag in a public place is basically the right to assemble. The South lost the Civil War. The Nazi symbol is not banned, even though the Germans lost WWII, and therefore the Confederate symbol should not be banned from the Union. Also, it is part of history.
It's very just. Slavery is forbidden. The evidence is the constution section 6
Frederick Lugard justifies Britain's actions of imperialism by saying that Britain will be honoured for its efforts to improve foreign societies.
In "The Dual Mandate in British Tropical Africa", Lugard argues that Britain needed to provide for their growing population by opening new markets, opportunity for emigration, employment and taking raw materials that were not being used in Africa. In exchange, they would bring the benefits of western political organization, commerce and infrastructures.