It increases ecosystem productivity, protects fresh water resources, and provides nutrient storage and recycling
If amoeba specie placed in the sea water, it will die because sea water contains excess of salts which adversely affect the growth of amoeba.
Amoeba is unicellular organisms i. e. made of a single cell. They are eukaryotic organisms i. e. having true nucleus. Amoeba is found in fresh water lakes and hot spring. Amoeba is not able to live in sea water because sea water contains salt which are not good for amoeba.
The oceans are present on the 70 percent of the world but only 5 percent of the total oceans are explored yet.
There are many reasons of this problem but the most important is the hydrostatic pressure.
Hydrostatic pressure can be described as the pressure or weight exerted by the water on the object.
With every increase in 10 meters the pressure increase by 6.47kg (14.27lbs) each square inch of surface.
Due to extreme pressure, oxygen level in the cells of body fluctuates and person becomes unstable and can become unconscious.
It's the lack of milk in a person's diet many people in Africa can't afford milk. That's the best I can do, I don't know the subject very well