C. Students should choose a college based solely on the rigorousness of its academic programs. While the rest are “facts” that could be considered somewhat impartial, the third option is an argumentative claim that would have to be backed with evidence to support it.
Hi! Are you answering your own question? I am confused, do we have to answer anything?
The correct answer is: It is made up of a rhyme scheme of abab, cdcd.
In this sonnet, Shakespeare describes chronicles which contain some beautiful descriptions of the past where he notice the beauty of the youth and the young man.
The syntax of the Sonnet 106 is characterised by a specific rhyme scheme of abab, cdcd, as we can see from the excerpt above. In this excerpt, the first line is rhyming with the third (<em>time </em>rhymes with <em>rhyme</em>), the second line rimes with the fourth (<em>wights </em>rhymes with <em>knights</em>), etc.
When in the chronicle of wasted <u>time</u>
I see descriptions of the fairest wights,
And beauty making beautiful old <u>rhyme</u>,
In praise of ladies dead and lovely knights,
Then in the blazon of sweet beauty's <u>best</u>
Of hand, of foot, of lip, of eye, of brow,
I see their antique pen would have <u>express'd</u>
Even such a beauty as you master now.
Use proper reading skills make note and read the paragraph at least 2 times
water and oil don't mix
they form an emulsion
oil is less dense then water
Since there are no given answers, let's examine all pieces of information we can find here.
After mixing two liquids, Janet shook this mixture. She did it in order to enhance the rate of dissolving. After some time passed, we see that these liquids are separated into two distinct layers, meaning that water and oil do not mix (oil doesn't dissolve in water). This also means that water and oil form an emulsion - an unmixable suspension of two liquids.
Another feature we can observe is that the oil had risen to the top. Denser liquid will always fall down, meaning that oil is less dense then water.