The answer is False
Max Weber defended the idea that a Social Science could not reduce the empirical reality to laws, both in the choice of the theme to be worked on and in the explanation of the concrete event, according to Weber the social scientist should be guided by several factors linked to reality of the facts.
The Pendleton Civil Service act ls a system that upholds the principle that all civil service position or government posts should be filled by scrutinizing one's qualifications and not based on political affiliation. That government offices must be handled by people with verified merit.
In a general election, each state has officials who count and certify voters.
There are certain election officials who are given the duty to count and certify the elected votes, they are commonly called the tellers. Once the voting procedure is over, all envelopes are opened on the counting table, and then they are sorted in piles according to party and later are inspected for validity. After the counting process, they issue a certificate of election to the winners of a county and local offices.
Capital resources
Public awareness on the need to develop the country
Human Resources
Good education
Creation story, a great migration story, and a flood epic story.