D: two jaguars per thousand hectares.
Population density refers to the computation of population by unit area. It is usually implemented in living organisms, generally in humans. It is a key geological term. In easy form, population density implies to the number of people existing in an area per square kilometer or hectare, etc.
So, two jaguars per thousand hectares is an example of population density as it involves the number of jaguars (population) per thousand hectares (per unit area).
Bolus is the food that is mashed up in your mouth. After it is digested in the stomach, the food is called chyme. Bolus is more alkaline than chyme because it is exposed to alkaline saliva.
Nitrogen cycle works through various stages like, nitrogen fixation, nitrification, assimilation, ammonification, denitrification etc. It is a building block for protein and DNA
Nitrogen is an element abundantly found in the atmosphere, also its building block for proteins as well as nucleic acid i.e. DNA formation. In nitrogen cycle , the nitrogen is being prepared from inert nitrogen. The nitrogen cycle has several processes like nitrogen fixation, in this the inert nitrogen is being converted to organic nitrogen with the help of certain micro-organism.
Nitrification, plants cannot absorb directly nitrogen so bacteria help the plants to convert the nitrogen into ammonia form in this stage. Assimilation, another stage in which plants starts absorbing various forms of nitrogen from the soil.i.e. nitrate, nitrite and ammonium. Ammonification, here plants and animals have nitrogen in there body after death various microbes help in decomposition in this stage. Denitrification, in this stage the return back of nitrogen takes place.
11)El ciclo del agua, conocido científicamente como ciclo hidrológico, se refiere al intercambio continuo de agua en la hidrosfera, entre la atmósfera, el agua del suelo, la superficie, el agua subterránea y las plantas. La ciencia que estudia el ciclo hidrológico es la hidrología.
12)Sabems que las etapas del ciclo hidrológico son las siguientes:
Las implicaciones que tienen para la vida cada una de las etapas son:
Evaporación, se reduce el nivel de los ríos, los lagos pequeños se seca, y se eleva la temperatura del ambiente.
Condensación, Es el proceso en el cual se forman las nubes, por lo que la luz solar disminuye.
Precipitación, produce nuevamente el aumento de los niveles de rios y lagos, y la disminución de la temperatura.
Maybe not because after light increases stomas will decrease and after that plant leaf will take less co2 and less co2 mean less synthesis in the plant.