Gutenberg's moveable type printing press invention
Johann Gensfleisch von Gutenberg in 1450, Mainz, Germany, was the first to assemble and bring together complex systems and subsystems necessary to print a typographic book which was sought by printers in different countries such s Germany, France and the Netherlands. Gutenberg's moveable type, made use of ink made from boiled linseed oil colored with lampblack.
This is a personal question, which means that only you can answer it. However, I can give some examples that might help guide your work.
An example of a primary source that you might encounter in your own life is that of a news article. As this article is likely to be written by a reporter witnessing the events, it can be considered a primary source. On the other hand, an example of a secondary source would be a non-fiction book that talks about a historical event. This is because such a book would give a second-hand account of an event based on historical information.
He felt that it could lead to a new age of transportation, and also gain more support for him if he had said he liked it
The answer is FALSE! Japan did not just attack Pearl Harbor but they also qattacked places on land. But they where not as succesfull as they planned.