The transcontinential railroad brought more money to the railroad companies because more people had access to the railroads, therefor using them more, and money was brought in. Not 100% sure, but that is my guess
Sostre was believed to have been producing molotovs in his basement and organizing looting and arson and similar things so they arrested him. He was eventually moved to a different prison which enabled him to contact his lawyers more and the case developed and people started polarizing over the idea of whether he was a good guy or a bad guy.
St. Helena in the South Atlantic
The young astronomer gave up his studies in 1676 and sailed to St. Helena in the South Atlantic where he catalogued 341 stars in the Southern Hemisphere and discovered a star cluster in Centaurus.
Equal rights for African Americans. The demonstration was a march (for the sake of time I'll use AfnAmn an abbreviation for African American)that was organized by John Lewis a leader in SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Commitie).Dr. Martin Luther King jr spoke in Selma also.
The public school students' <em>silent</em> protest, by using <em>symbols</em>, in the form of armbands, during school time, cost the students a suspension, because it was considered a <em>violation of a school rule</em>. After the case had been judged by the Supreme Court, they finally won the case. But the outcome could be different, if their protest used "indecent speech" or promoted illegal drug use.