Cuando la célula madre se divide varias veces de forma consecutiva y los núcleos se rodean del citoplasma dentro de ella, es una reproducción tipo: <u>esporulación</u>.
En la reproducción asexual, un solo ser origina nuevos individuos iguales entre si e iguales a su progenitor. Este tipo de reproducción es común en ciertos invertebrados, en las bacterias y en los protozoarios. La esporulación es uno de los tipos de reproducción asexual, esta consiste en varias divisiones del núcleo que se envuelve de fragmentos citoplasmáticos, originando muchos descendientes genéricamente idénticos. Dicha reproducción permite la formación de esporas y la liberación de las mismas cuando las paredes de la célula se rompen. Se observa en ciertas especies de protozoarios.
The correct answer is C- I will need an infusion of this medication once weekly.
Mitoxantrone is a anti cancer drug which is given to stop the growth and spread of cancer. It is infused in patients very slowly taking up to three to five minutes and administered once in every three months for 2 to 3 three years.
Liver functioning Tests and a pregnancy test should be done before each infusion.
the FCI recognizes 339 breeds of dogs which are divided into 10 groups based on the dog’s purpose or function or on its appearance or size. The 10 groups are:
Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs, other than Swiss Cattle Dogs (this group includes most of the dogs found classified as "herding dogs" by other kennel clubs).
Pinscher and Schnauzer, Molossoid Breeds, Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs and Other Breeds (the Molossian breeds include the dogs known as the mastiffs by most other kennel clubs)
Spitz and Primitive Types
Scent hounds and Related Breeds
Pointers and Setters
Retrievers, Flushing Dogs, Water Dogs
Companion and Toy Dogs
Answer and Explanation:
When metals lose electrons through oxidation, they form positively charged cations.
Li → Li+ + H+
2Ba → Ba2+ + H+
2Cu → Cu2+ + H+
it is the measure of the clarity of the image.the minimum distance between two points can be separated and still be distinguished as two points is resolving is important because it helps to see small molecules that can't be seen with naked eye