Option d; You can perform the same exercise five times in a row without risking injury if you give yourself enough time to recover between sessions that target different muscle groups.
Contractile tissue that is organized into coordinated systems is muscle. By outward appearance and cell location, human muscular systems are categorized. Smooth, cardiac, and striated muscles make up the three different types of muscles (or nonstriated). The majority of the body's muscle tissue is made up of striated muscle, which is virtually solely connected to the skeleton. The somatic nervous system regulates the multinucleated fibers, which provide movement by applying pulls and lever-like forces to the skeleton. The sinoatrial node, the heart's pacemaker, controls the cardiac muscle's rhythmic contraction. Despite being a specialist striated muscle with several centrally positioned nuclei in elongated cells, cardiac muscle is not controlled voluntarily.
Learn more about muscle here:
I think that every answer from your question is correct because the player who will do the serve can stand anywhere to serve the ball but the most important thing is that he should stand behind the end line. Your answers here are referring to that every service is done from the back and that is why I think those are all correct answers.
I hope that this information will help you to recognize the correct answer.
According to these criteria, the service sector covered in this paper is the economic activities other than agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing, mining and quarrying, manufacturing, utilities (electricity, gas and water supply) and construction
That statement is false
Bronfenbrenner believed that the children would be influenced by all the things that exist in the children's environment. Intermediate family and school only small parts of the environment. T
hings such as the television shows that the children watch, the children's interaction with friends, the place where the children play, etc also heavily influenced children's development,.
Future differences I think