820 pages X 350 words = 287,000 words
<span>287,000 / 110 = 2.609.09 minutes </span>
<span>2.609.09 / 60 = 43.48 hours </span>
<span>It would take about 2 days of non-stop reading to finish her assignment</span>
The physical position of something.
Step-by-step explanation:
61 is divisible by itself and 1. It's prime.
102 ends in a 2. Therefore it is not prime because it can be divided by 2,
75 = 3*5*5 not prime.
64 = 2 * 2 * 2 *2 * 2*2 Not prime.
I have the same problem. if i find the answer i will give it to you