The answer to this question is O(NlogN).
The time complexity of Heap Sort on an array A is O(NLogN) even if the array is already sorted in increasing order.Since the Heap Sort is implemented by creating the heap from the array and then heapifying and then repeatedly swapping first and last element and deleting the last element.The process will be done for the whole array.So the running time complexity is O(NLogN).
2.5 is an example of a float.
Floats are numbers that have decimals.
Java variable is the name of a group of data value stored in memory that can change its value but cannot change its type during the program's execution
Generally, a variable is a temporary location in the memory where data are stored in a computer program. Values in the variable can always be change during the course of program execution.
The equal sign ( = ) is use to assign and identify a variable. The value to be stored in the variable is always at the right of the equal sign, while the variable name is always at the left of the equal sign.
The best option of the four is d. let the team know you have a possible solution but that you are first interested to hear what they think.
Being in a team involves working together and hearing what everybody has to say. Option A is not right because you expect the team to arrive at your solution instead of being open to other opinions. Option B is not right because you haven't given the team a chance to give their opinions and Option C is not right because your solution may actually be the best one and there may be no need to "generate a better one."