Angela should make sure the hamburger patty is disposed of and a new one prepared for the hamburger. She should reprimand Patty as what she did is wrong. Patty could well be fired for what she did. It is unsafe and unsanitary to give a customer food that has fallen on the floor. Angela should make sure this never happens again.
Worksheet ranges is a group of cells, and a value range like 25 to 340. It is used for data modeling. Like you can use it in the vlookup, Hlookup and Xlookup for looking up a column cell value in the mentioned worksheet range. Different worksheet's ranges of cells can also be used, and in any number from throughout the workbook, and that makes the analysis quite easy. Through work sheet ranges we get the control over all the cells as well as cells group. Whatever analysis we do, we do on the list of cells. And through the worksheet ranges we get the control over the cells. And thus, this is extremely useful definitely.
Like one worksheet range can be from top left corner to the bottom right corner. And this assigns whole worksheet as the worksheet range.
Its used in almost all the Excel formulas, and you must know it.
An example is:
Worksheets("Sheet2").Range(Cells(2, "B"), Cells(35, "B")).select
This selects the Range B2:B35 from Sheet 2.
Using subnet mask will be helpful, what the subnet mask does is moving the IP address boundary bettween the part that represents a network and the part that represents a host, thus, instructing the operating system which IP addresses are on the local subnet. Then the operating will communicate directly with the other host without using the router. Once this is achieved, memorizing the IP addresses is needless.
Educate is the facet of the 4E framework is best addressed by thought-sharing sites.
Therefore, the correct answer is Educate.