1st Blank - John Calvin
2nd Blank - Switzerland
3rd Blank - A belief in predestination
4th Blank - theocracy
Calvinism was created during the sixteenth century in France, by the religious of French origin John Calvin, based on the teachings of Ulrich Zwingli.
Juan Calvino published an edition of De Clementia treaty and is also thought that he was the author of the Protestant Reformation in Switzerland.
The main beliefs of Calvinism include the belief in the absolute sovereignty of God and the doctrine of justification only through faith. It teaches us that salvation can be obtained by grace and not by good works, and for this, it is necessary to believe or trust in Jesus and see Christ as the only and sufficient Savior.
One million one hundred thousand one hundred
Im writing this to finish a challenge
Number one: You're answer is D. The government controlled everything, due to it being Communist.
Number two: The answer is C. When oil lost it's price dramatically, the USSR's economy fell and it could no longer control the Middle East as well as before
Number Three: The answer is A. Socialist republic Russia today isn't officially a communist country. But there are many communist factors, and traits that it is using right now.
<em>President Andrew Jackson</em> opposed giving the bank a new charter because he saw the Second National Bank<u> </u><u>as an elitist institution</u> whose first priority <em>was to gain profit and not public service.</em>
The voting public reaction to Jackson's vetoing the renewal of the Second National Bank Charter <em>was positive even though he lost a lot of voters from the wealthy class he gained votes from the working class like farmers and laborers</em>. <em>He won the re-election in November 1832</em> although it was a tight contest.