Events or conditions led to a widespread Indian demand for complete independence from Great
Extreme Economic Exploitation : Various sectors of economy were destroyed - Agriculture through Zamindari system & forced commercialisation ; Industry through decline of handicrafts & no state initiative for modern industries ; Trade sector through making India an exporter of primary goods from Britain & importer of finished goods to Britain.
Extreme Social Exploitation : Indians were looked down upon , disrespected & humiliated under British Rule. Their religious sentiments were attacked, in a war Indian (hindu & muslim soldiers) were forced to use rifles made of cow & pig flesh (which are sacred to them). This led to initial revolt of 1857
Authoritarian Rule Style : This is an extension to above, govt had monopoly over decision irrespective of Indian public opinion. They prohibited people from extracting salt from sea. This led to Salt Satyagraha revolt (march).
Many other violent inhumane activities against Indian population, like Jallianwala Bagh Massacre - fuelled the fire of revolt & made India demand complete independence from Great Britain.
In the summer, Cherokee homes were open to the air; in the winter, they were round buildings with strong walls built of daub, a grass and clay mixture. Wattle, a type of bark and branches, was used to make the roofing. Wigwams fashioned of sapling frames and covered in bark or mats made of grasses and reeds were the houses of the Catawba people. In their communities, council houses were present, where decisions were taken. Yemassee people spent the summer months in wigwams made of palmetto leaves on the seashore. They lived in wattle and daub homes like the Cherokee with a roof made of palmetto leaves during the fall, winter, and spring in Yemassee homes farther inland.
A - The Articles of Confederation
It is a true fact that as the Industrial Revolution progressed and the importance of machine work increased, workers found themselves becoming more essential for servicing and guiding machines. The correct option among the two options that are given in the question is the first option. The importance of specialized jobs increased.