Homestead Strike, also called Homestead riot, violent labour dispute between the Carnegie Steel Company and many of its workers that occurred on July 6, 1892, in Homestead, Pennsylvania. The strike pitted the company’s management (which included owner American industrialist and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie and American industrialist Henry Clay Frick), the strikebreakers (replacement workers) who had been hired, and the Pinkerton National Detective Agency against members of the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers, who worked for the company. A gun battle resulted in which a number of Pinkerton agents and strikers were killed and many were injured.
The correct answer is B.
Business have a double role in economy. They are the manufacturers that produce goods and services to satisfy the needs of consumers therefore, as the graph attached shows, they participate both in the factor and product markets:
- On one side, they buy productive factors in the resource markets (land, labor and capital) and they pay for them (salaries, rents and interests respectively).
- On the other side, they produce goods and services to household in the product market, in exchange for a price. This revenue, after cost deduction, would suppose the profit they earn for the manufacturing activity.
His advice was to ride the white-winged horse Pegasus to the chimera's ledge.
The wisest man of Lycia advised Bellerophon to find Pegasus because it is the only way he could defeat the chimera, and he was right. The two of them became friends afterwards and were always seen together after the event.
Colonists began to move west, and American Indians lost land and power. ... They opposed it because they did not want the colonies to be united.
Civil law
criminal law
lawyer bangs the gavel