Legend has it that the signers Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and John Hancock etc were punished for rebelling against the Royal Court and Royal Crown.These signers declared independence from Britain and started a new nation called America (USA ).
1. The U.S. Constitution uses federalism to divide<span> governmental powers between the federal government and the individual state governments. The Tenth Amendment tells us that all powers not granted to the federal government are reserved to the states.
2. </span><span>Articles I-III of the United States Constitution allow for three separate </span>branches of government<span> (legislative, executive, and judicial), along with a system of checks and balances should any </span>branch get too powerful. Belinda Stutzman breaks down each branch<span> and its constitutionally-entitled powers.</span>
In 1998, newspaper sources revealed that President Clinton had had a sentimental affair with Monica Lewinsky, a White House worker. Bill Clinton's impeachment was initiated by the House of Representatives on December 19, 1998 on two counts: perjury, as he had lied about not having had any kind of relationship with Lewinsky, and obstruction of justice, as he tried to prevent the truth from being ascertained regarding said affaire. Ultimately, Clinton was acquitted of these charges by the Senate on February 12, 1999, as the two-thirds of senators needed to convict the President were not obtained.
In 1479, at the end of the Castilian War of Succession, which involved Portugal against the Catholic Monarchs, the Treaty of Alcáçovas was signed and a period of rapproachement between Spain and Portugal began. The text also settled several pending territorial issues between the two Crowns: the Canary Islands belonged by right to Castile; the Kingdom of Fez, the Azores and Madeira islands, Cape Verde, Guinea and the right of navegation beyond the Canaries, were recognized to Portugal.
For that reason, when being the Portuguese territories to the east of the Spanish ones, their explorations continued in that direction. This is how, bordering the African continent, the Portuguese explorers reached the Indian Ocean, where they formed colonies dedicated to expand their trade.
Portugal created small commercial bases in several points of Africa and the Indian Ocean, obtaining presence in the most important commercial routes of that tim, and began to charge those who passed through its colonies.
Portugal lost its power when, in 1581 in the middle of a dynasty crisis, the Spanish Crown came to the Portuguese throne. However, in 1668 Portuguese sovereignity over its territory was restored.
Portugal continued administrating colonies until 1970.
The United States admitted between 180,000 and 225,000 refugees who were fleeing Nazi persecution between 1933 and 1945. Although the United States permitted more refugees to enter than any other nation, thousands more could have been granted US immigration visas had the quotas been filled during this period.