First remember that sum means to add. now think about the equation. we need to find 3 numbers that equal 159 when added together. And they are all consecutive odd numbers. so let's call the first number X. the second number would be X+2 since we have to jump over 1 even number. The third number would be X+4 since we have to jump over 2 even numbers. so now an equation to represent this would be X+(X+2)+(X+4)=159. Add like terms, and remember order of operations. if you need help getting the answers leave me a comment.
let us take this as ration 40 is to 100 which can also be written in fractional for like 40/100 now we simplify it how by dividing both by 20 so (40/20)/(100/20) which will give 2/5 which can be written as 2 is to 5 so this is true