Answer: On arrival at Jamestown, they found the Virginia Colony almost destroyed by famine and disease during what has become known as the Starving Time.
Hope this helped ;p
The correct matching of the given sentences are:
a. China only wanted silver, giving China more trade power until Europeans flooded China with opium, giving Europe more power. Chinese tried to fight back, but the British would take over the trade by force.
Opium War in China
b. Europeans wanted to extend their control due to industrialization; to do this, they focused on the continent of Africa, where almost ALL of Africa became a European colony.
Scramble for Africa.
<h3>What is Colonization?</h3>
This refers to the use of military or economic might to be able to rule over a country usually through proxy.
Hence, we can see that the other answers are:
c. Guns, especially the machine gun, created a huge advantage for Europeans in battles, making it nearly meaningless for other people/countries of Africa to fight back.
Why are guns such an important part of colonization in Africa?
d. Weapon technology and use of existing power sources, like princes who would receive special benefits, worked to European advantage.
Why was the indirect rule able to work?
Read more about colonization here:
-Workforce laborers and servants were being exploit by landowners and were in debt
-The death rate was high, and the English servants who could get land would get land in poor quality, bad locations and controlled by Native Americans
-Governor William Berkeley was put by the British Crown to ensure that planters paid taxes but because of the corrupt system rich landowners often times avoided taxes and fees
How this was a conflict
The elite was threatened to the point that they decided to get more slaves instead of white servants
Life losses and changes in policies