How is Krishna depicted? The most common representation of Krishna shows him playing the flute and surrounded by adoring gopis, the wives and daughters of the cowherds. As a child, Krishna is depicted crawling on his hands and knees or dancing with joy, a ball of butter held in his hands.
By watching the other dogs and understand what the laws of the wild mean.
He learns there is a hierarchy among dogs. he learns that he has so hold his position to survive.
Answer:I think Miranda pretended to be sick so Via's family could see Via. Miranda said that nobody was watching her in the play and when Miranda looked through the curtain she saw August excited and maybe though that it would be more exciting to him if Via performed.
Here’s a letter to my class: Hello everybody, today I wanted to tell you something important: I hope you die in a hole and the hole lights on fire and your body’s turn to ashes while your screams are nowhere to be heard. I put all of you on my list to kill you,and now my moment is in position get ready to live a burning hell! Sencerly, the quiet kid (aka my name)! P.S ty Mrs.Seirna for giving me free McDonald’s