A few tips:
- If the numbers are in negatives, the greatest number should be the closest from 0.
- If the numbers are in positives, the greatest number should be farthest from 0
- If the numbers are in positives and negatives, the number which is farthest from 0 will be the greatest.
Solution (Verification for Option A):
<u>In this case, all the numbers are in negatives.</u>
- => -3 > -4 > -7 > -8 > -9 (Correct)
Solution (Verification for Option B):
<u>In this case, a few numbers are in positives and in negatives.</u>
- => 9 > 7 > 6 > -5 > 4 (Incorrect)
Solution (Verification for Option C):
<u>In this case, a few numbers are in positives and in negatives.</u>
- => 8 > -6 > 5 > -4 > 1 (Incorrect)
Solution (Verification for Option D):
<u>In this case, a few numbers are in positives and in negatives.</u>
- => -3 > -1 > 0 > 2 > 7 (Incorrect)
I don't think you added your question here. Can you post your question again?
Communicative Property: (5+7) +3
Associative prop: (3+5) +7 or (3+7) +5
And the last one, I don’t fully understand what it is asking, but I believe it is asking for the answer which would be 15
What is the questions please?
30 9/20
Step-by-step explanation:
(50 3/4)-((2/5) x (50 3/4)
=30.45/1 x 100/100
=30 9/20
30.45= 30 9/20
Hope this helps have a good day.