Compound subject
A verb is an action word, beginning and end aren't actions, and they are the subjects of the sentence.
After reading the passage, I see how the author uses connotations and figurative language to make his experience come to life. The author uses a mix of postive and negitive connotations like "fast" as a positive connotation, and "lighting" as a negitive connotation. Though the author is using negitive connotation in the paragraph, the story itself is not meant to be negitive, rather exciting and uses figurtative language as a description. This is expressed through the phrases like, "electric fight" but the author hints at what they mean through the following context clues like, " for us to turn on and off as we please." Which indicated a light swich, and the electric that "fighting" through it. This make it feel like not just a light swich or power, but an electric storm that comes to life!
Thank you so so so so much!! You are so generous!!
I imagine It may be difficult for only children to understand the kind of brotherly relationship that includes both devoted love and the most ruthless hatred. But my personal experience allowed me to better understand the brother´s relationship and therefore the text itself.
Text-to-self connections are the most interesting for me. Books often provide me comfort and helpful tools to apply in my personal life. The Outsider made me think of my family, specifically my relationship with my brothers. I love both of them, but family issues, mostly related to financial problems, often get in the way of us having a good relationship. We fight a lot.
I find a sign of hope in how Darry and Ponyboy reconcile at the end, at Sodapop´s request. Their brotherhood overcomes Dally’s and Johnny’s deaths while strengthening their family bond. I hope my brothers and I can someday do the same with our own issues.