C. He executed a series of intricate loops; he doubled on his trail again and again, recalling all the lore of the fox hunt, and all the dodges of the fox.
Just took the test.
Imagine sweating on a stage, having a million and one people looking at you on a stage, and you have to present a speech to everyone carefully staring you down. And suddenly, you forget your lines!! You start sweating up and down, nervously laughing, shuffling your feet, doing anything you can to avoid this embarrassment. And the only help anyone can offer is to "imagine everyone in their underwear." That's going to make me more nervous! What helps me tremendously is to take a huge breath and tap a little beat with my fingers on my thigh and sing a little beat in my head. Then, I take myself back to all those times I practiced my lines, and what I said when I was practicing them. And automatically, it always helps me to remember!
Not sure about the genre. But i definatley think you should use google slides! gret fot instructional things. also its easy toimport pictures and videos.
Answer: C) I continue with my breathing exercises, strolling down Broadway toward the ice man on 145th with not a care in the world cause I am Miss Quicksilver herself.
Explanation: She says that she doesn’t care what people think of her