B : Indians were discriminated against and had unequal rights.
Answer: what is promised by democracy is that the people should rule. so i guess it is the opposite. no one can rule for the people?
i dont know im sorry i i didnt help
the question to your answer is false
Answer: Spain's colonization goals were to extract gold and silver from the Amercias, to simulate the Spanish economy and make Spain a more powerful country.
In 1918 H1N1 Or "The Spanish Flu" emerged and was extremely contagious. It was a Novel Virus just as SARS-CoV-2 (Coronavirus) is. Within months H1N1 spread to almost every country on the planet and was considered a Pandemic. The reason it was called "The Spanish Flu" is because Spain was the only country to report this in their news media. similar to what china tried to do by not reporting about the virus at first. The reason the 1918 was so deadly was because it emerged right as World War 1 ended and soldiers where moving all across the planet to return from the war to their home country which made the virus spread like wildfire and now with SARS-CoV-2 millions of people travel to the other side of the planet within hours daily which made it spread so fast.